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International EAP & ESP Conference in Crete

The theme of the 3rd EAPCRETE conference is“Options, Instructional Practices and Trajectories of EAP and ESP Practitioners”. It will cover a wide range of issues pertinent to EAP and ESP including genre pedagogy, digital literacies, action research and plenty of workshops in which EAP teachers will be trained and hopefully feel empowered to publish their […]

ResTES: Scholarship Conversation

Dr Laetitia Monbec and Dr Susie Cowley-Haselden will facilitate an informal session collating our thoughts and experiences of engaging in scholarship. Including considering what puts people off (imposter syndrome, fear of showing one’s writing, fear of reviewers, self-taught syndrome, frustrations, etc) and discussing scholarship as part of practice (simply as professional satisfaction and development) and of […]

Password English Language Testing

Here is an invite from one of BALEAP's Associate Members and strong supporters: Password, who is celebrating its 15th anniversary. The event is a mix of learning, networking and socialising and is free but you have to register by sending an email to Refer to the advert below for further details: 15th Anniversary invitation […]

BALEAP PIM: From EAP Teacher to EAP Educator

This PIM focused on the transition from EAP Teacher to EAP Teacher Educator. Although there is support available to those transitioning into EAP from more general English teaching, very little support is available to those EAP practitioners working with other teachers. Working with other teachers may involve observing other teachers on a summer school, preparing […]

ResTES: Peer Review, Scholarship and EAP

This online session will focus on peer review, scholarship and EAP, bringing together different perspectives and experiences from authors, editors, practitioners and reviewers to explore various aspects of peer review and scholarship in EAP. The session will have contributions from: ‘Peer review at its best’, Bee Bond, Professor of English for Academic Purposes and Director of […]

PIM: EAP for a more Sustainable World

BALEAP PIM: How can EAP contribute to teaching and learning for a fairer, fitter future? Pathways Programmes, Oxford Brookes University Sustainable Development Goal 4.7 highlights the pivotal role of education in driving the urgent changes needed for a more just and sustainable future. PIM Flyer_FINAL Full information about the event   All EAP leaders and […]

BALEAP Conference: Caution! EAP under Deconstruction

The BALEAP 2023 Biennial Conference was held at the University of Warwick, 19-21 April 2023. Our hope with this conference is that we encourage a critical look at every aspect of EAP. We hope that the community will feel bold and brave enough to challenge the status quo, offering ideas, opinions, research, practices, and suggestions […]

RESTES: PhD in Progress

You are warmly invited to this RESTES event where you can hear from the following PhD students and how their PhDs are progressing: Jo Kukuczka, Jennifer Sizer, Daniel O'Sullivan, Niamh Mullen, Rob, Playfair, Sanchia Rodrigues, and Jody Bradford. The event will take place via Zoom. This event is free for BALEAP members and there is […]

BAS Event: Constructive (re)alignment and creative (mis)alignment: Working with the BALEAP accreditation scheme criteria

This is a practice-sharing day for institutions with BALEAP-accredited courses, as well as for institutions which are considering accreditation. The event will unpack how course teams understand and enact constructive alignment, one of the three core principles of the accreditation scheme. The event will take place in London: University of Arts London Language Centre 272 […]

ResTES: Collaborative Autoethnography: Opportunities and Challenges

Zoom Link TBC

Online via Zoom Registration closes on June 12th (MON) at 5pm BST. We will email you a zoom link a day before the event. Please email if you have any issues with the registration or haven’t received a system-generated confirmation of your registration. Abstract: Building on EAP practitioner experience of collaborative autoethnography (CAE) (e.g., Carr et al, […]