Date and Time: 11 May 2024, 10:30-15:30
Location: University of Manchester
10:30-11:00 Registration, tea and coffee
11:00-11:25 Welcome / introductions / the working definition of ‘context’ in BAS / the purpose of the context document (Appendix 6.2) / updates to the BAS handbook
11:30-11:55 Invited talk + Q&A (1) – Mapping three years of change in BAS-accredited EAP contexts
12:00-12:25 Invited talk + Q&A (2) – Opening context up. EAP outside the EAP ‘classroom’
12:30-12:55 Conversation on tables with guiding questions
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:15 Preparing the BAS context document (Appendix 6.2, Sections A1 and A2): Leveraging strengths to deal with constraints and challenges (conversation on tables + plenary report back)
15:15-15:30 Closing section